Servus & Griaß Di!
Media art promoting integration and tolerance

The Story

A "Hello!" is the starting point for a story about tolerance and communication between cultures. Mobile video projection art in public space plays with language and cultural codes and surprises spectators. People affect people, make them smile and initiate a new dialogue.

The cross-border project "Servus & Griaß Di!" creates an artistic counterpart towards the challenges induced by the current migration circumstances. It explores the polarity between "foreign" and "familiar" by showing videos of people from different origins greeting in Austrian and Slovenian dialect.

In the area of Graz and Ljubljana as well as part of the Svetlobna Gverila festival the characters appeared all of a sudden on facades and house entrances, once people passed by. The innovative "Mobile Mapper" becomes the technical carrier for video projection art and can therefore move freely in urban space. Reaching out to as many people as possible, dismantling barriers and raising awareness and acceptance becomes possible through this unique connection.

More information on the official website: www.servus-griassdi.at

Key Facts

Concept & Production


Project Partners
Svetlobna Gverila
Caritas Steiermark

Supported By
Land Steiermark Abteilung 9

Production Year